Our Values and Beliefs:

Lives centered on the Gospel of Christ

A History of our church

On Tuesday evening, June 23, 1925 a meeting was called in the home of Rev. and Mrs. R.E. George, 2607 North Broadway, Knoxville to consider the building of a Baptist church in the Arlington community. There were sixteen present at this meeting. A committee was elected at this meeting to work out plans and select a location to erect a building in which to organize a church.

On Saturday, July 4, 1925 the committee called the people of Arlington community together on a lot located at the corner of Broadway and Pembroke. A building that was later to be known as Arlington Baptist Church was erected in one day. Services were held in this building that evening.

The church was organized with 62 charter members. On July 29, 1925 Rev. J.C. Shipe preached his first sermon and was called as pastor. January 1, 1928 Rev. Shipe passed on to his reward.

February 28, 1932 at 1:30 p.m. the Arlington Baptist Church building was destroyed by fire. At 2:30 p.m. the same day the people met in McCampbell School on Emoriland Boulevard and appointed the Building and Finance Committee and another building was soon erected on the Fairmont property.

During 1952 and 1953 the Lane property on the corner of Barton and Fairmont was secured, and the lot extending from the back of the building to Fairwood and next to the power company was given to the church. Committees were appointed on February 10, 1954 to make plans for the growth of our church. This culminated in 1957 in the completion of the new auditorium and more educational space. The old indebtedness was paid and the new indebtedness of over $300,000.00 was secured by a bond issue to extend over a period of fifteen years.

Throughout her history, the Arlington Baptist Church has demonstrated a deep commitment to evangelism and missions. A local mission, established in the Norwood Community in 1952, has become the Wallace Memorial Baptist Church. A bus ministry was initiated in 1972, and in 1981 the church prepared two missionary apartments in the former parsonage as a continuing provision for furloughing missionaries. Many of our church members have continued to participate in world missions in either full-time or short-term capacities.

Since its conception in 1925, Arlington Baptist Church has had a vision of growth. Growth is represented by the number of people coming to know Jesus as Savior, the need for increased and improved church facilities, and the amount of money and time given by the membership in service to God.

Values and Beliefs

The core values that guide the Arlington family are that we seek to be...


1) Christ Centered - we will live keeping our eyes on

Jesus and pointing people to Him.

2) Biblically Based - since the Scripture is the

inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God, then

we must submit ourselves to its authority and

sufficiency in everything we do.

3) Service Driven - we will serve our community and

the Arlington family putting others first and

seeking to meet the needs of people in all walks of


4) Family Friendly - we want to open our arms and

our hearts to the families in our community as we

seek to pass (teach and model) the truth to

our children and the next generation.

5) Missions Minded - we want to be faithful to

support the work of the Great Commission

through continually doing the work of missions

and supporting those who do the same around

the world.

6) Outreach Oriented - we believe that the gospel

message is one of urgency. People must know the

truth (He is the only way...) and we have

commited to sharing this truth any way that we


The people of Arlington have affirmed the following as our foundational beliefs that guide us in our walk and ministry with Christ!

We are a Southern Baptist affiliated church while we maintain our autonomy in all matters of faith and conviction.


WE BELIEVE that the entire Bible, word for word, was supernaturally verbally inspired by God. Though penned down by Holy men of God, God “breathed” the text in such a way that it is infallible and inerrant. The Bible is the complete, authoritative Word of God in all areas. 


WE BELIEVE in one God who exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The three members of the Trinity are in perfect unity, but distinct in person, personality, and purpose. 


WE BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ is the second person of the trinity and the eternally and only begotten Son of God the Father. He was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the Virgin Mary. He is perfect and complete man and perfect and complete God. 


WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, proceeding from God the Father and God the Son, and He is equal to them in deity. He indwells, sanctifies, teaches, encourages, and comforts all believers. He also convicts of sin, compels righteousness, and restrains Satan.


WE BELIEVE salvation comes only from God the Father and through His Son Jesus Christ. A person is saved only through repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ through faith. The one who “believes on” the Lord Jesus by grace through faith is declared righteous, born again, and is eternally assured of heaven. 


WE BELIEVE baptism, by immersion, is one of two ordinances of the local church and is symbolic of death to sin, burial with Christ, and resurrection to new life in Christ. 


WE BELIEVE any person who by “grace through faith” believes on the Lord Jesus Christ receives immediate and everlasting salvation. 


WE BELIEVE the church is a local, independent, and autonomous assembly of believers organized and commanded under the authority of God’s Word and the Lordship of Christ. Its mission is to evangelize, to teach, and to administer the two ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. 


WE BELIEVE that each believer individually and each church corporately is commanded to go and evangelize in their homes, states, countries, and the world. 

WE BELIEVE Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime.

Learn through community.

The best way to really know and understand what we believe at Arlington is being involved in one of our small groups. Love cannot exist outside of action - which at Arlington is best shown through our groups.

We'd love for you to join in one of our small groups, and begin connecting with others with the same heart and mission.